Live sex toy with small pussy, fucked in the air
Fucking a tiny sized girl with my very big cock was the greatest thing ever. She is so tiny that my cock was bigger than her hand. She could barely take 2inches of my dick inside her small mouth. I just lifted her up and started to lick that tiny pink pussy. She is sucking my cock at the same time. I make her bend down on the couch while I insert my big cock onto her small vagina, it barely goes inside and it is so tight for me. I fuck her very hard, it is so easy to fuck small girls as I just lift her up in the air and give her hard strokes, and she is enjoying it very much as my cock is big. I make her sit on my dick and again give her hard strokes to which she is moaning too loudly. I slap her ass and spread her legs wide and start pounding her in another position now. She is so flexible and small that you can fuck her in all angles. I make her stand and lift one leg up giving it to her from behind while she is enjoying so much and ended up coming on her fucking mouth.
Little live Sex toy, with very small pussy fucked in the air and cum in mouth
peter 9 years ago
what is her name